NRS244A.601. County fair and recreation board in county whose population is 100,000 or more but less than 700,000: Number, appointment and terms of members; vacancies.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  In any county whose population is 100,000 or more, and less than 700,000, the county fair and recreation board consists of 13 members who are appointed as follows:

          (a) Two members by the board of county commissioners.

          (b) Two members by the governing body of the largest incorporated city in the county.

          (c) One member by the governing body of the next largest incorporated city in the county.

          (d) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, eight members by the members appointed pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). The members entitled to vote shall select:

                 (1) One member who is a representative of air service interests from a list of nominees submitted by the airport authority of the county. The nominees must not be elected officers.

                 (2) One member who is a representative of motel operators from a list of nominees submitted by one or more associations that represent the motel industry.

                 (3) One member who is a representative of banking or other financial interests from a list of nominees submitted by the chamber of commerce of the largest incorporated city in the county.

                 (4) One member who is a representative of other business or commercial interests from a list of nominees submitted by the chamber of commerce of the largest incorporated city in the county.

                 (5) One member who is a representative of other business or commercial interests, including gaming establishments, from a list of nominees submitted by a visitor’s bureau, other than a county fair and recreation board or a bureau created by such a board, that is authorized by law to receive a portion of the tax on transient lodging, if any. If no such bureau exists in the county, the nominations must be made by the chamber of commerce of the third largest township in the county.

                 (6) Three members who are representatives of the association of gaming establishments whose membership collectively paid the most gross revenue fees to the State pursuant to NRS 463.370 in the county in the preceding year, from a list of nominees submitted by the association. If there is no such association, the three appointed members must be representative of gaming.

    Ê If the members entitled to vote find the nominees on a list of nominees submitted pursuant to this paragraph unacceptable, they shall request a new list of nominees.

          2.  The terms of members appointed pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection 1 are coterminous with their terms of office. The members appointed pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection 1 must be appointed for 2-year terms. Any vacancy occurring on the board must be filled by the authority entitled to appoint the member whose position is vacant. Each member appointed pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection 1 may succeed himself or herself only once.

          3.  If a member ceases to be engaged in the business or occupation which he or she was appointed to represent, he or she ceases to be a member, and another person engaged in that business or occupation must be appointed for the unexpired term.

          4.  Any member appointed by the board of county commissioners or a governing body of a city must be a member of the appointing board or body.

      (Added to NRS by 1977, 817; A 1979, 516; 1983, 1663; 1989, 1903; 1991, 819, 1977; 1995, 2804; 1999, 2016; 2001, 561; 2011, 1117)