NRS244A.555. Acquisition and transfer of certain facilities on behalf of State; funding of acquisition; recommendations by advisory committee for studies.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The board, on behalf of and in the name of the State of Nevada, may:

          (a) Acquire, hold, operate, maintain and improve the facilities defined in NRS 244A.475;

          (b) Acquire, hold, operate, maintain, improve and dispose of properties pertaining to the facilities defined in NRS 244A.475, including, without limitation, water and water rights, for the benefit and welfare of the people of this state;

          (c) Acquire the facilities defined in NRS 244A.475, wholly or in part directly by construction contract or otherwise, or indirectly by contract with the Federal Government, or any combination thereof, as the board may from time to time determine; and

          (d) Borrow money and otherwise become obligated in a total principal amount of not more than $78,000,000 to defray wholly or in part the cost of acquiring the facilities defined in NRS 244A.475, and issue state securities to evidence such obligations.

          2.  No project or phase of a project for the creation of facilities defined in NRS 244A.475 may be authorized for funding with state securities until such funding is approved by the Governor and, if the amount of state securities proposed exceeds $50,000,000, by the Legislative Commission of the Legislature.

          3.  The advisory committee may recommend to the board the implementation of design, engineering, specification development or pilot plant studies for the furtherance of any project or phase of a project to accomplish the development of the facilities defined in NRS 244A.475. The implementation of such recommendations to be financed by the issuance of state securities may be authorized by the board with the approval of the Governor and the Legislative Commission of the Legislature.

          4.  The board, on behalf of and in the name of the State of Nevada, may transfer all of its interest in any facility financed pursuant to NRS 244A.455 to 244A.573, inclusive, to a general improvement district operating pursuant to chapter 318 of NRS to provide sanitary facilities for sewage within the county. Any such transfer must be on terms and conditions that are mutually agreeable to the board of county commissioners and the board of trustees of the general improvement district. Upon such a transfer, except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the board of trustees of the general improvement district is authorized to exercise on behalf of the State all powers that the board of county commissioners is authorized to exercise on behalf of the State pursuant to NRS 244A.455 to 244A.573, inclusive, including the power to issue state securities. The board of trustees of the general improvement district shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the board of county commissioners with respect to any facility financed pursuant to NRS 244A.455 to 244A.573, inclusive, and any bonds or other obligations of the State issued for those facilities. Upon such a transfer, all money held by the county pertaining to the facilities and any bonds or other obligations of the State issued for the facilities must be transferred to the general improvement district.

          5.  After a transfer pursuant to subsection 4, the board of county commissioners shall continue to fix, modify and collect or cause to be collected fees and charges pursuant to NRS 244A.523 to 244A.553, inclusive, and 244A.557, and shall transfer all fees and charges to the general improvement district to which the facility was transferred.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1738; A 1977, 31; 1989, 497)