NRS244A.509. General powers of county in relation to facilities.  

Latest version.
  •   The county may in relation to the facilities:

          1.  Hire and retain officers, agents, employees, engineers and any other persons, permanent or temporary, necessary or desirable to effect the purposes hereof, defray any expenses incurred thereby in connection with its facilities, and acquire office space, equipment, services, supplies, fire and extended coverage insurance, use and occupancy insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, property damage insurance, public liability insurance for the county and its officers, agents and employees, and other types of insurance, as the board may determine; but no provision herein authorizing the acquisition of insurance shall be construed as waiving any immunity of the county or any director, officer or agent otherwise existing under the laws of the State.

          2.  Pay or otherwise defray the cost of any project.

          3.  Pay or otherwise defray and contract so to pay or defray, for any term not exceeding 50 years, the principal of, any interest on, and any other charges pertaining to any securities or other obligations, outstanding or otherwise existing for a period of at least 2 years, of the Federal Government, the State, any public body or any person incurred in connection with any property thereof subsequently acquired therefrom by the county and relating to its facilities.

          4.  Establish, operate and maintain facilities within the county across or along any public street, highway, bridge, viaduct or other public right-of-way, or in, upon, under or over any vacant public lands, which public lands now are, or may become, the property of the State or a public body, without first obtaining a franchise from the State or the public body having jurisdiction over the same; but the county shall cooperate with the State and any public body having such jurisdiction, shall promptly restore any such street, highway, bridge, viaduct or other public right-of-way to its former state of usefulness as nearly as may be, and shall not use the same in such manner as permanently to impair completely or unnecessarily the usefulness thereof.

          5.  Adopt, amend, repeat, enforce and otherwise administer such reasonable ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and orders as the county determines necessary or convenient for the operation, maintenance, management, government and use of the county’s facilities and any other like facilities under its control.

          6.  Adopt, amend, repeal, enforce and otherwise administer under the police power within the territorial limits of the county such reasonable ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and orders in relation to the collection, disposal or treatment of sewage and wastewater after a public hearing thereon is held by the board, in connection with which any public body in the area involved or otherwise exercising powers affecting the functions and services therein of the county and persons of interest have an opportunity to be heard, after mailed notice of the hearing is given by the clerk to each such public body and after notice of such hearing is given by publication by the clerk to persons of interest, both known and unknown.

          7.  Provide that any violation of any ordinance adopted under subsections 5 and 6 shall be a misdemeanor.

          8.  Sell and otherwise dispose of any by-products resulting from the operation of the facilities.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1732)