NRS232.070. Director: Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  As executive head of the Department, the Director is responsible for the administration, through the divisions and other units of the Department, of all provisions of law relating to the functions of the Department, except functions assigned by law to the State Environmental Commission, the State Conservation Commission or the Sagebrush Ecosystem Council.

          2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the Director shall:

          (a) Establish departmental goals, objectives and priorities.

          (b) Approve divisional goals, objectives and priorities.

          (c) Approve divisional and departmental budgets, legislative proposals, contracts, agreements and applications for federal assistance.

          (d) Coordinate divisional programs within the Department and coordinate departmental and divisional programs with other departments and with other levels of government.

          (e) Appoint the executive head of each division within the Department.

          (f) Delegate to the executive heads of the divisions such authorities and responsibilities as the Director deems necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the Department.

          (g) Establish new administrative units or programs which may be necessary for the efficient operation of the Department, and alter departmental organization and reassign responsibilities as the Director deems appropriate.

          (h) From time to time adopt, amend and rescind such regulations as the Director deems necessary for the administration of the Department.

          (i) Consider input from members of the public, industries and representatives of organizations, associations, groups or other entities concerned with matters of conservation and natural resources on the following:

                 (1) Matters relating to the establishment and maintenance of an adequate policy of forest and watershed protection;

                 (2) Matters relating to the park and recreational policy of the State;

                 (3) The use of land within this State which is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government;

                 (4) The effect of state and federal agencies’ programs and regulations on the users of land under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and on the problems of those users of land; and

                 (5) The preservation, protection and use of this State’s natural resources.

          3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the Director may enter into cooperative agreements with any federal or state agency or political subdivision of the State, any public or private institution located in or outside the State of Nevada, or any other person, in connection with studies and investigations pertaining to any activities of the Department.

          4.  This section does not confer upon the Director any powers or duties which are delegated by law to the State Environmental Commission, the State Conservation Commission or the Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, but the Director may foster cooperative agreements and coordinate programs and activities involving the powers and duties of the Commissions and the Council.

          5.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 232.161, all gifts of money and other property which the Director is authorized to accept must be accounted for in the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Gift Fund which is hereby created as a trust fund.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 647; A 1959, 193; 1967, 417; 1975, 152; 1977, 1117; 1979, 102, 614; 1997, 2535; 2011, 2476; 2013, 3386)