NRS179.385. Bail after arrest on warrant following finding of presentment, indictment or information.  

Latest version.
  •   An undertaking for bail after arrest on a warrant following the finding of a presentment, indictment or information may be in substantially the following form:




           A presentment having been made (or an indictment having been found or an information having been filed), on the ........ day of the month of ............ of the year ......., in the District Court of the ......................... Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of ........................ (as the case may be), charging A. B. with the crime of (indicating it generally), and A. B. having been duly admitted to bail in the sum of ............. dollars, we, C. D. and E. F. (stating their place of residence), hereby undertake that the above-named A. B. shall appear and answer the indictment or information above mentioned in whatever court it may be prosecuted, and shall at all times render himself or herself amenable to the orders and processes of the court, and, if convicted, shall appear for judgment and render himself or herself in execution thereof; or, if A. B. fails to perform either of these conditions, that we will pay to the State of Nevada the sum of ............. dollars (inserting the sum in which the defendant is admitted to bail).





                                                                                  (Signature of Sureties)


      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1465; A 2001, 43)