NRS179.380. Warrant upon finding of presentment, indictment or information.  

Latest version.
  •   A warrant upon the finding of a presentment, indictment or information may be in substantially the following form:




           County of ........................ The State of Nevada, to any sheriff, constable, marshal, police officer, or peace officer in this State: A presentment having been made or an indictment having been found (or information filed) on the ........ day of the month of ............ of the year ......., in the district court of the ........................, County of ........................., charging C. D. with the crime of (designating it generally), you are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest the above-named C. D. and bring C. D. before that court to answer the presentment, indictment or information; or if the court is not in session that you deliver C. D. into the custody of the sheriff of the County of ........................ By order of the court. Given under my hand with the seal of the court affixed this ........ day of the month of ............ of the year ....... .



                 (Seal)                                                              E. F., Clerk.


      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1465; A 2001, 43)