NRS179.330. Search warrant.  

Latest version.
  •   A search warrant may be in substantially the following form:


    Search Warrant


    State of Nevada                            }


    County of...................................... }


           The State of Nevada, to any peace officer in the County of ................. Proof by affidavit having been made before me by (naming every person whose affidavit has been taken) that (stating the grounds or probable cause for issuance).

           You are hereby commanded to search (naming the person or describing with reasonable particularity the place to be searched) for the following property (describing it with reasonable particularity), making the search (in the daytime or at any time, as determined by the magistrate) and if any such property is found there to seize it, prepare a written inventory of the property seized and bring the property before me (or another designated magistrate).


           Dated at .............................., this ....... day of the month of ........... of the year .......



                                                              (Signature and official title of magistrate)


      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1462; A 2001, 40)