NRS128.070. Service of notice of hearing by publication.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  When the father or mother of a minor child or the child’s legal custodian or guardian resides out of the State, has departed from the State, or cannot, after due diligence, be found within the State, or conceals himself or herself to avoid the service of the notice of hearing, and the fact appears, by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court thereof, and it appears, either by affidavit or by a verified petition on file, that the named father or mother or custodian or guardian is a necessary or proper party to the proceedings, the court may grant an order that the service be made by the publication of the notice of hearing. When the affidavit is based on the fact that the father or mother or custodian or guardian resides out of the State, and his or her present address is unknown, it is a sufficient showing of that fact if the affiant states generally in the affidavit that:

          (a) At a previous time the person resided out of this State in a certain place (naming the place and stating the latest date known to the affiant when the person so resided there);

          (b) That place is the last place in which the person resided to the knowledge of the affiant;

          (c) The person no longer resides at that place;

          (d) The affiant does not know the present place of residence of the person or where the person can be found; and

          (e) The affiant does not know and has never been informed and has no reason to believe that the person now resides in this State.

    Ê In such case, it shall be presumed that the person still resides and remains out of the State, and the affidavit shall be deemed to be a sufficient showing of due diligence to find the father or mother or custodian or guardian.

          2.  The order must direct the publication to be made in a newspaper, to be designated by the court, for a period of 4 weeks, and at least once a week during that time. In case of publication, where the residence of a nonresident or absent father or mother or custodian or guardian is known, the court shall also direct a copy of the notice of hearing and petition to be deposited in the post office, directed to the person to be served at his or her place of residence. When publication is ordered, personal service of a copy of the notice of hearing and petition, out of the State, is equivalent to completed service by publication and deposit in the post office, and the person so served has 20 days after the service to appear and answer or otherwise plead. The service of the notice of hearing shall be deemed complete in cases of publication at the expiration of 4 weeks from the first publication, and in cases when a deposit of a copy of the notice of hearing and petition in the post office is also required, at the expiration of 4 weeks from the deposit.

          3.  Personal service outside the State upon a father or mother over the age of 18 years or upon the minor’s legal custodian or guardian may be made in any action where the person served is a resident of this State. When the facts appear, by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court, and it appears, either by affidavit or by a verified petition on file, that the person in respect to whom the service is to be made is a necessary or proper party to the proceedings, the court may grant an order that the service be made by personal service outside the State. The service must be made by delivering a copy of the notice of hearing together with a copy of the petition in person to the person served. The methods of service are cumulative, and may be utilized with, after or independently of other methods of service.

          4.  Whenever personal service cannot be made, the court may require, before ordering service by publication or by publication and mailing, such further and additional search to determine the whereabouts of the person to be served as may be warranted by the facts stated in the affidavit of the petitioner to the end that actual notice be given whenever possible.

          5.  If one or both of the parents of the minor is unknown, or if the name of either or both of the parents of the minor is uncertain, then those facts must be set forth in the affidavit and the court shall order the notice to be directed and addressed to either the father or the mother of the person, and to all persons claiming to be the father or mother of the person. The notice, after the caption, must be addressed substantially as follows: “To the father and mother of the above-named person, and to all persons claiming to be the father or mother of that person.”

      [7:161:1953]—(NRS A 1967, 355; 1969, 16; 1987, 120)