CHAPTER708. Oil Pipelines  

NRS 708.010. “Commission” defined.
NRS 708.020. Owner, operator or manager of oil pipeline declared to be common carrier.
NRS 708.025. Intrastate carrier must obtain certificate of public convenience and necessity.
NRS 708.035. Certificate of public convenience and necessity: Hearing; considerations; terms and conditions.
NRS 708.050. Right to construct and maintain pipeline along, on or under public stream or road: Conditions; compensation for damage to public road.
NRS 708.060. Power of Commission to establish and enforce rates and regulations; procedure; reimbursement of excessive charges.
NRS 708.070. Exchange of tonnage of crude petroleum; installation of connections and facilities; regulations of Commission pertaining to marketable oil, temperature, leakage and evaporation.
NRS 708.080. Publication of tariffs; reports; investigation of books; limitation on disclosure of reports by Commission; hearings and enforcement of orders.
NRS 708.090. Discrimination between shippers or in charging for services prohibited; ratable transportation when production exceeds capacity of pipeline.
NRS 708.100. Common purchaser: Duties; discrimination prohibited.
NRS 708.110. Discrimination in receipt and transportation of crude oil or petroleum prohibited.
NRS 708.120. Regulations of Commission to prevent waste of oil or dangerous operations.
NRS 708.130. Applicability of chapter.
NRS 708.140. Penalties.