CHAPTER590. Motor Vehicle Fuel, Petroleum Products and Antifreeze

NRS 590.010. Short title.
NRS 590.020. Definitions.
NRS 590.030. False branding prohibited.
NRS 590.040. Brand name must be shown; labeling of containers, dispensers, fill pipes for storage tanks and delivery outlets on tank delivery trucks; “no brand” products.
NRS 590.050. False or misleading advertising prohibited.
NRS 590.060. Adulterated, substituted, used or recycled products.
NRS 590.063. Pumps, dispensers and devices for blending gasoline.
NRS 590.065. Pumps, dispensers and devices for blending gasoline and motor oil.
NRS 590.070. Specifications for motor vehicle fuel: Adoption by State Board of Agriculture; variances; sale of nonconforming petroleum products unlawful; exception for aviation fuel; penalties. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]
NRS 590.070. Specifications for motor vehicle fuel: Adoption by State Board of Agriculture; variances; sale of nonconforming petroleum products, biodiesel, biomass-based diesel or biomass-based diesel blend unlawful; exception for aviation fuel; penalties. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 590.071. Powers and duties of State Board of Agriculture concerning specifications for motor vehicle fuel.
NRS 590.073. Specifications for aviation fuel.
NRS 590.080. Specifications for motor or lubricating oil.
NRS 590.090. Specifications for heating products; designation of brand and grade of heating fuel contained in storage tanks, dispensers and petroleum tank trucks; designations of numerical grade.
NRS 590.100. Powers and duties of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability and Nevada Highway Patrol.
NRS 590.105. Certain measurement tables to be used in testing petroleum products or motor vehicle fuel.
NRS 590.110. Breaking, mutilating or destroying seal or covering, defacing or removing notice of sealing unlawful.
NRS 590.120. Inspection fee for motor vehicle fuel or lubricating oil shipped, transported or held for sale; monthly reports; expenses incurred by Department of Motor Vehicles.
NRS 590.131. State Board of Agriculture to adopt regulations for warning labels on motor vehicle fuel pumps. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 590.133. Documentation provided to purchaser of fuel containing manganese or manganese compound: Requirements. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 590.140. Duties of district attorneys.
NRS 590.150. Penalties; prima facie evidence.
NRS 590.160. Administration.
NRS 590.170. Display of price and brand name, grade or certain words regarding sales of motor vehicle fuel and diesel fuel.
NRS 590.180. Phraseology indicating reduced price.
NRS 590.190. Motor vehicle fuel without brand name: Requisites.
NRS 590.200. Size of letters, figures or numerals in designation of brand or lack thereof.
NRS 590.210. Size of letters in designating individual grade of motor vehicle fuel.
NRS 590.220. Size of letters, words, figures or numerals indicating prices of motor vehicle fuel.
NRS 590.230. Contents and form of advertising medium; information concerning conditions of sale.
NRS 590.250. Numeral “1” and letter “l”: Uniformity of type and design.
NRS 590.260. Visibility and color of letters, words, figures or numerals.
NRS 590.270. Uniformity of color of words, letters, figures or numerals designating brands, prices, grades and conditions of sale.
NRS 590.280. Placement of medium in misleading position as regards other advertising.
NRS 590.290. Addition of words distorting meaning of medium advertising other goods.
NRS 590.300. Advertising of “motor oil” or “lubricating oil”: General requirements.
NRS 590.310. Advertising of “motor oil” or “lubricating oil”: Uniformity, size, color and legibility of letters.
NRS 590.320. Advertising of fuel or product not sold by advertiser.
NRS 590.322. Civil penalties: Establishment of schedule by regulation; imposition.
NRS 590.324. Civil penalties: Notice; hearing; judicial review; civil action to enforce; deposit in State General Fund.
NRS 590.330. Criminal penalties.
NRS 590.340. Short title.
NRS 590.350. Definitions.
NRS 590.360. Adulteration.
NRS 590.370. Misbranding.
NRS 590.380. Sale or holding with intent to sell antifreeze without permit prohibited; application for permit; sample; fee established by regulation; issuance and cancellation of permit.
NRS 590.400. Enforcement.
NRS 590.420. List of brands and trademarks registered by State Sealer of Consumer Equitability.
NRS 590.430. Advertising literature: References to inspections by State Sealer of Consumer Equitability.
NRS 590.440. Institution of proceedings by district attorney.
NRS 590.450. Penalty.
NRS 590.465. Short title.
NRS 590.475. Definitions.
NRS 590.485. Board for Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Creation; number, appointment, qualifications, terms and removal of members; compensation of members and employees.
NRS 590.495. Board for Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Meetings; quorum; officers; notice of meetings and certain hearings.
NRS 590.505. Board for Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Seal; Executive Secretary and other personnel; policies and regulations; biennial report; records.
NRS 590.509. Board for Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Offices; 24-hour telephone number; availability of persons to offer assistance in emergency.
NRS 590.515. Regulations of Board: Generally.
NRS 590.519. Regulations regarding safety; inspections; programs on safety.
NRS 590.521. Minimum general standards for equipment.
NRS 590.525. Installation and maintenance of equipment.
NRS 590.535. Use of containers; required licenses; exceptions.
NRS 590.537. Dealer of leased tank to remove tank when requested at no charge; refund to customer.
NRS 590.545. Ordinances of political subdivisions not to conflict with law or regulations of Board; exception.
NRS 590.547. Proposals for location of facilities for storage: Hearings; payment of costs; physical inspection of site; considerations.
NRS 590.549. Power of Board to issue, suspend and revoke licenses.
NRS 590.555. Applications for licenses: Requirement; contents; fees.
NRS 590.565. Denial or issuance of licenses; copy of order denying license to be served on Governor and applicant.
NRS 590.575. Classifications.
NRS 590.585. Contents of license.
NRS 590.595. Licenses nontransferable; license fees not refunded.
NRS 590.605. Disciplinary action.
NRS 590.610. Variances from regulations.
NRS 590.615. Variances from rules, regulations or specifications: Considerations.
NRS 590.625. Attorney General is Board’s legal adviser.
NRS 590.635. Duties of sheriffs and police officers.
NRS 590.640. Penalties; injunctive relief available to Board.
NRS 590.645. Promotion of safety by Division of Industrial Relations of Department of Business and Industry.
NRS 590.700. Definitions.
NRS 590.710. “Board” defined.
NRS 590.720. “Department” defined.
NRS 590.725. “Diesel fuel of grade number 1” defined.
NRS 590.726. “Diesel fuel of grade number 2” defined.
NRS 590.730. “Discharge” defined.
NRS 590.740. “Division” defined.
NRS 590.750. “Fund” defined.
NRS 590.760. “Heating oil” defined.
NRS 590.765. “Motor vehicle fuel” defined.
NRS 590.770. “Operator” defined.
NRS 590.780. “Person” defined.
NRS 590.790. “Petroleum” defined.
NRS 590.800. “Storage tank” defined.
NRS 590.810. Legislative findings.
NRS 590.820. Board to Review Claims: Creation; members; Chair; administrative assistance; compensation of members.
NRS 590.830. Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum: Creation; administration by Division; adoption of regulations by Board; claims; expenses and interest; resolutions adopted by Board concerning Fund.
NRS 590.835. Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum: Expenditures for certain discharges; limitations; reimbursement.
NRS 590.840. Collection of fee for certain fuels and heating oil; exempt products; payment of expenses of Department.
NRS 590.850. Registration of storage tanks: Collection of annual fee; exempt tanks; reimbursement and other liability for noncompliance.
NRS 590.860. Transfer of portion of ending balance in Fund to account created in NRS 408.242.
NRS 590.870. Report of discharge from tank required; Division to clean up discharge; exception; reimbursement; test of tank required for coverage.
NRS 590.880. Allocation of costs resulting from discharge from certain storage tanks for heating oil.
NRS 590.890. Allocation of costs resulting from discharge from other storage tanks; requirement to hold public hearings under certain circumstances.
NRS 590.900. Liability for costs to clean up discharge caused by willful or wanton misconduct, gross negligence or violation of statute or regulation.
NRS 590.910. Pro rata reduction required if balance in Fund insufficient for full payment.
NRS 590.920. Tanks exempted from certain provisions; optional coverage of exempted tank.