CHAPTER407. State Parks and Monuments  

NRS 407.011. Definitions.
NRS 407.013. Declaration of legislative intent.
NRS 407.015. Creation.
NRS 407.037. Administrator: Creation of position; classification.
NRS 407.043. Administrator: Qualifications.
NRS 407.045. Administrator: Salary; other employment.
NRS 407.047. Administrator: Powers and duties.
NRS 407.0475. Administrator: Regulations; penalty for violation of regulations.
NRS 407.055. Administrator’s deputies: Designation; powers and duties; compensation; other employment.
NRS 407.057. Offices of Division; leases and agreements for offices.
NRS 407.063. Acquisition of real and personal property; eminent domain; consultation with local government before acquisition of undeveloped real property surrounding state park.
NRS 407.065. General powers and duties of Administrator.
NRS 407.067. Cooperative agreement with Federal Government, state agency or others.
NRS 407.068. Cooperative agreement with state agency or certain political subdivision for operation, establishment or maintenance of certain parks; terms; apportionment of costs.
NRS 407.069. Agreements for development, improvement and maintenance of certain recreational facilities located in state park.
NRS 407.073. Exhibits and displays.
NRS 407.075. State Park Grant and Gift Fund: Creation; deposits; expenditures.
NRS 407.0755. Account for State Park Interpretative and Educational Programs and Operation of Concessions: Creation; expenditures; nonreversion.
NRS 407.0762. Account for Maintenance of State Parks: Creation; deposits; money in Account does not lapse; expenditures.
NRS 407.0763. Account for Maintenance of State Park Facilities and Grounds: Creation; money in Account does not lapse; expenditures.
NRS 407.0765. Fees for repair, operation and maintenance of sewer, water and electrical systems within state parks; deposit; separate accounting; expenditures.
NRS 407.077. Legislative appropriations; claims.
NRS 407.079. Temporary transfer of money from State General Fund to pay claims for project of capital construction.
NRS 407.080. Cathedral Gorge State Park.
NRS 407.090. Kershaw Canyon-Ryan State Park.
NRS 407.100. Beaver Dam State Park.
NRS 407.110. Boulder Dam-Valley of Fire State Park.
NRS 407.120. Designation of state park, state monument or recreational area.
NRS 407.130. Protection and development of state monument, historic landmark, historic building, historic site, archeological area, paleontological site or recreational area.
NRS 407.140. Mormon Station Historical State Monument.
NRS 407.150. Fort Churchill Historical State Monument.
NRS 407.155. Washoe Lake designated state recreational area.
NRS 407.160. Short title.
NRS 407.170. Protection and maintenance of site of discovery of ichthyosaur.
NRS 407.200. Powers and duties of Division.
NRS 407.205. Statewide plan for outdoor recreation; financial assistance and accounting for projects.
NRS 407.207. Representation of state agencies and political subdivisions in obtaining federal assistance for outdoor recreation.
NRS 407.2072. Fees for administration of certain federal grants: Imposition; payment and collection.
NRS 407.2074. Fees for administration of certain federal grants: Disposition; use.
NRS 407.209. Determination of availability of money for state or local share of costs of project.
NRS 407.250. Unauthorized removal of timber or property; destruction of property; penalty.