NRS97.185. Contents of contract.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  A retail installment contract must contain the names of the seller and the buyer, the place of business of the seller, the residence or other address of the buyer as specified by the buyer and a description or identification of the goods sold or to be sold, or services furnished or rendered or to be furnished or rendered. The contract also must contain the following items, which must be set forth substantially in the sequence appearing below:

          (a) The cash sale price of each item of goods or services.

          (b) The amount of the buyer’s down payment, identifying the amounts paid in money and allowed for goods traded in.

          (c) The difference between paragraphs (a) and (b).

          (d) The aggregate amount, if any, included for insurance, specifying the type or types of insurance and the terms of coverage.

          (e) The aggregate amount of official fees.

          (f) The amount financed, which is the sum of paragraphs (c), (d) and (e).

          (g) The amount of the finance charge.

          (h) The amount of the total of payments owed by the buyer to the seller, which is the sum of paragraphs (f) and (g).

          (i) The number of installments required to pay the total of payments, the amount of each installment, and the date for payment of the installments. If the final payment substantially exceeds the other scheduled installments, it must be set forth separately.

          2.  Additional items may be included in the contract to explain the calculations involved in determining the amount to be paid by the buyer.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 659; A 1993, 2756; 1995, 1802)