NRS704.7828. Regulations; authority to carry forward or sell excess electricity; enforcement; administrative fines.

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Commission shall adopt regulations to carry out and enforce the provisions of NRS 704.7801 to 704.7828, inclusive. The regulations adopted by the Commission may include any enforcement mechanisms which are necessary and reasonable to ensure that each provider of electric service complies with its portfolio standard. Such enforcement mechanisms may include, without limitation, the imposition of administrative fines.

          2.  If a provider exceeds the portfolio standard for any calendar year:

          (a) The Commission shall authorize the provider to carry forward to subsequent calendar years for the purpose of complying with the portfolio standard for those subsequent calendar years any excess kilowatt-hours of electricity that the provider generates, acquires or saves from portfolio energy systems or efficiency measures;

          (b) By more than 10 percent but less than 25 percent of the amount of portfolio energy credits necessary to comply with its portfolio standard for the subsequent calendar year, the provider may sell any portfolio energy credits which are in excess of 10 percent of the amount of portfolio energy credits necessary to comply with its portfolio standard for the subsequent calendar year; and

          (c) By 25 percent or more of the amount of portfolio energy credits necessary to comply with its portfolio standard for the subsequent calendar year, the provider shall use reasonable efforts to sell any portfolio energy credits which are in excess of 25 percent of the amount of portfolio energy credits necessary to comply with its portfolio standard for the subsequent calendar year.

    Ê Any money received by a provider from the sale of portfolio energy credits pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c) must be credited against the provider’s costs for purchased fuel and purchased power pursuant to NRS 704.187 in the same calendar year in which the money is received, less any verified administrative costs incurred by the provider to make the sale, including any costs incurred to qualify the portfolio energy credits for potential sale regardless of whether such sales are made.

          3.  If a provider does not comply with its portfolio standard for any calendar year and the Commission has not exempted the provider from the requirements of its portfolio standard pursuant to NRS 704.7821 or 704.78213, the Commission:

          (a) Shall require the provider to carry forward to subsequent calendar years the amount of the deficiency in kilowatt-hours of electricity that the provider does not generate, acquire or save from portfolio energy systems or efficiency measures during a calendar year in violation of its portfolio standard; and

          (b) May impose an administrative fine against the provider or take other administrative action against the provider, or do both.

          4.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the Commission may impose an administrative fine against a provider based upon:

          (a) Each kilowatt-hour of electricity that the provider does not generate, acquire or save from portfolio energy systems or efficiency measures during a calendar year in violation of its portfolio standard; or

          (b) Any other reasonable formula adopted by the Commission.

          5.  If a provider sells any portfolio energy credits pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection 2 in any calendar year in which the Commission determines that the provider did not comply with its portfolio standard, the Commission shall not make any adjustment to the provider’s expenses or revenues and shall not impose on the provider any administrative fine authorized by this section for that calendar year if:

          (a) In the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year in which the portfolio energy credits were sold, the amount of portfolio energy credits held by the provider and attributable to electricity generated, acquired or saved from portfolio energy systems or efficiency measures by the provider exceeded the amount of portfolio energy credits necessary to comply with the provider’s portfolio standard by more than 10 percent;

          (b) The price received for any portfolio energy credits sold by the provider was not lower than the most recent value of portfolio energy credits, net of any energy value if the price was for bundled energy and credits, as determined by reference to the last long-term renewable purchased power agreements approved by the Commission in the most recent proceeding that included such agreements; and

          (c) The provider would have complied with the portfolio standard in the relevant year even after the sale of portfolio energy credits based on the load forecast of the provider at the time of the sale.

          6.  In the aggregate, the administrative fines imposed against a provider for all violations of its portfolio standard for a single calendar year must not exceed the amount which is necessary and reasonable to ensure that the provider complies with its portfolio standard, as determined by the Commission.

          7.  If the Commission imposes an administrative fine against a utility provider:

          (a) The administrative fine is not a cost of service of the utility provider;

          (b) The utility provider shall not include any portion of the administrative fine in any application for a rate adjustment or rate increase; and

          (c) The Commission shall not allow the utility provider to recover any portion of the administrative fine from its retail customers.

          8.  All administrative fines imposed and collected pursuant to this section must be deposited in the State General Fund.