NRS701A.210. Partial abatement of certain property taxes for businesses and facilities using recycled material; requirements and limitations.

Latest version.
  •       1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, if a:

          (a) Business that engages in the primary trade of preparing, fabricating, manufacturing or otherwise processing raw material or an intermediate product through a process in which at least 50 percent of the material or product is recycled on-site; or

          (b) Business that includes as a primary component a facility for the generation of electricity from recycled material,

    Ê is found by the Office of Economic Development to have as a primary purpose the conservation of energy or the substitution of other sources of energy for fossil sources of energy and obtains certification from the Office of Economic Development pursuant to NRS 360.750, the Office may, if the business additionally satisfies the requirements set forth in subsection 2 of NRS 361.0687, grant to the business a partial abatement from the taxes imposed on real property pursuant to chapter 361 of NRS.

          2.  If a partial abatement from the taxes imposed on real property pursuant to chapter 361 of NRS is approved by the Office of Economic Development pursuant to NRS 360.750 for a business described in subsection 1:

          (a) The partial abatement must:

                 (1) Be for a duration of at least 1 year but not more than 10 years;

                 (2) Not exceed 50 percent of the taxes on real property payable by the business each year; and

                 (3) Be administered and carried out in the manner set forth in NRS 360.750.

          (b) The Executive Director of the Office of Economic Development shall notify the county assessor of the county in which the business is located of the approval of the partial abatement, including, without limitation, the duration and percentage of the partial abatement that the Office granted. The Executive Director shall, on or before April 15 of each year, advise the county assessor of each county in which a business qualifies for a partial abatement during the current fiscal year as to whether the business is still eligible for the partial abatement in the next succeeding fiscal year.

          3.  The partial abatement provided in this section applies only to the business for which certification was granted pursuant to NRS 360.750 and the property used in connection with that business. The exemption does not apply to property in this State that is not related to the business for which the certification was granted pursuant to NRS 360.750 or to property in existence and subject to taxation before the certification was granted.

          4.  As used in this section, “facility for the generation of electricity from recycled material” means a facility for the generation of electricity that uses recycled material as its primary fuel, including material from:

          (a) Industrial or domestic waste, other than hazardous waste, even though it includes a product made from oil, natural gas or coal, such as plastics, asphalt shingles or tires;

          (b) Agricultural crops, whether terrestrial or aquatic, and agricultural waste, such as manure and residue from crops; and

          (c) Municipal waste, such as sewage and sludge.

    Ê The term includes all the equipment in the facility used to process and convert into electricity the energy derived from a recycled material fuel.

      (Added to NRS by 2007, 3378; A 2011, 3477)