NRS643.080. Qualifications for license as apprentice.  

Latest version.
  •   Any person is qualified to receive a license as an apprentice:

          1.  Who is at least 16 1/2 years of age.

          2.  Who is of good moral character and temperate habits.

          3.  Who has graduated from a school of barbering approved by the Board.

          4.  Who has passed an examination conducted by the Board to determine his or her fitness to practice as a licensed apprentice.

          5.  Who has had a chest X-ray, the results of which indicate he or she is not tuberculous, and a blood test, the results of which indicate he or she is not a carrier of communicable diseases.

      [Part 6:131:1929; A 1931, 349; 1947, 731; 1943 NCL § 765]—(NRS A 1957, 735; 1959, 326; 1999, 2579)