NRS607.207. Notice and conduct of hearing.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  When an enforcement question is presented under any labor law of the State of Nevada, the determination of which is not exclusively vested in another officer, board or commission, the Labor Commissioner or a person designated by the Labor Commissioner may conduct a hearing in any place convenient to the parties, if practicable, and otherwise in a place chosen by the Labor Commissioner.

          2.  Notice of the hearing must be given by registered or certified mail to each party and to any person who has in writing requested such notice. The hearing must be conducted not less than 15 days after the mailing of the notices. The proceedings must be recorded and one copy must be provided at cost to any party who requests it. The Labor Commissioner or a person designated by the Labor Commissioner shall, in any such hearing, make full use of the authority conferred upon him or her by NRS 607.210.

      (Added to NRS by 1975, 530; A 1977, 81; 2001, 563)