NRS445B.300. Operating permit for source of air contaminant; notice and approval of proposed construction; administrative fees; failure of Commission or Department to act.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Commission shall by regulation:

          (a) Require the person operating or responsible for the existence of each source of air contaminant, generally or within a specified class or classes, to apply for and obtain an operating permit for the source.

          (b) Require that written notice be given to the Director before the construction, installation, alteration or establishment of any source of air contaminant or of any specified class or classes of such sources, or the alteration of any device intended primarily to prevent or reduce air pollution. If within the time prescribed by regulation the Director determines that:

                 (1) The proposed construction, installation, alteration or establishment will not be in accordance with the provisions of the plans, specifications and other design material required to be submitted under NRS 445B.100 to 445B.640, inclusive, or applicable regulations; or

                 (2) The design material or the construction itself is of such a nature that it patently cannot bring such source into compliance with NRS 445B.100 to 445B.640, inclusive, or applicable regulations,

    Ê the Director shall issue an order prohibiting the construction, installation, alteration or establishment of the source or sources of air contaminant.

          2.  The Commission shall by regulation provide for:

          (a) The issuance, renewal, modification, revocation and suspension of operating permits, and charge appropriate fees for their issuance in an amount sufficient to pay the expenses of administering NRS 445B.100 to 445B.640, inclusive, and any regulations adopted pursuant to those sections.

          (b) The issuance of authorizations for the issuance of building permits pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NRS 445B.320.

          3.  Any failure of the Commission or the Department to issue a regulation or order to prohibit any act does not relieve the person so operating from any legal responsibility for the construction, operation or existence of the source of air contaminant.

          4.  All administrative fees collected by the Commission pursuant to subsection 2 must be accounted for separately and deposited in the State General Fund for credit to the Account for the Management of Air Quality. This subsection does not apply to any fees collected by political subdivisions or their agencies.

      (Added to NRS by 1971, 1196; A 1973, 1816; 1993, 2853)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 445.491)