NRS426.650. Notice to Bureau by public agency of location of and license, permit and lease for any vending stand.  

Latest version.
  •   Each head of the department or agency in charge of the maintenance of public buildings or properties shall:

          1.  Not later than July 1, 1959, notify the Bureau in writing of any and all existing locations where vending stands are in operation or where vending stands might properly and satisfactorily be operated.

          2.  Not less than 30 days prior to the reactivation, leasing, re-leasing, licensing or issuance of permit for operation of any vending stand, inform the Bureau of such contemplated action.

          3.  Inform the Bureau of any locations where such vending stands are planned or might properly and satisfactorily be operated in or about other public buildings or properties as may now or thereafter come under the jurisdiction of the department or agency for maintenance, such information to be given not less than 30 days prior to leasing, re-leasing, licensing or issuance of permit for operation of any vending stand in such public building or on such property.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 170; A 1963, 922; 1965, 773; 1973, 1393)