NRS408.507. Lease or rental of property.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Real property held in fee or improvements on the property acquired by the Department in advance of the actual construction, reconstruction or improvement of highways or in order to avoid the payment of excessive damages, or held by the Department pending a determination in the future on its use or disposal may be leased or rented by the Department for fair market value in such manner and for such periods as are determined by the Director to be in the best interests of the State.

          2.  The Director may lease for fair market value space above and below the established grade line of the highway to state and public agencies and private persons in such manner and for such periods as the Director determines are in the best interest of the State, if:

          (a) The full use and safety of the highway will not be impaired;

          (b) Vehicular or pedestrian access to that space will not be required or permitted from the established grade line; and

          (c) The free flow of traffic on the highway is not interfered with in any way.

          3.  All leases of an interest in real property entered into by the Department before April 1, 1985, are hereby ratified. All other leases entered into pursuant to subsection 2 must be approved by the Board subject to the provisions of subsection 4.

          4.  If the Department receives a proposal to negotiate a lease pursuant to subsection 2, it shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation at least once a week for 2 weeks, stating that it has received the proposal and that it will receive other proposals for use of the space for 60 days after the completion of the publication. A copy of the notice must be mailed to each local governmental unit in the affected area. If the property is leased, it must be to the highest bidder for the space. The requirements for publication and notice do not apply if the proposal was received from an owner who controls the property on both sides of the highway.

          5.  All money received for leases and rentals must be deposited with the State Treasurer to be credited to the State Highway Fund.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 692; A 1971, 1330; 1979, 1780; 1983, 416; 1985, 706; 1987, 1810; 1989, 1307)