NRS391.460. Council required to make recommendations to State Board concerning statewide performance evaluation system; authorization to establish working groups and task forces.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Council shall:

          (a) Make recommendations to the State Board concerning the adoption of regulations for establishing a statewide performance evaluation system to ensure that teachers, administrators who provide primarily administrative services at the school level and who do not provide primarily direct instructional services to pupils, regardless of whether licensed as a teacher or administrator, including, without limitation, a principal and vice principal, counselors, librarians and other licensed educational personnel employed by school districts are:

                 (1) Evaluated using multiple, fair, timely, rigorous and valid methods, which includes evaluations based upon pupil achievement data as required by NRS 391.465;

                 (2) Afforded a meaningful opportunity to improve their effectiveness through professional development that is linked to their evaluations; and

                 (3) Provided with the means to share effective educational methods with other teachers, administrators, counselors, librarians and other licensed educational personnel throughout this State.

          (b) Develop and recommend to the State Board a plan, including duties and associated costs, for the development and implementation of the performance evaluation system by the Department and school districts.

          (c) Consider the role of professional standards for teachers, administrators to which paragraph (a) applies, counselors, librarians and other licensed educational personnel and, as it determines appropriate, develop a plan for recommending the adoption of such standards by the State Board.

          (d) Develop and recommend to the State Board a process for peer evaluations of teachers by qualified educational personnel which is designed to provide assistance to teachers in meeting the standards of effective teaching, and includes, without limitation, conducting observations, participating in conferences before and after observations of the teacher and providing information and resources to the teacher about strategies for effective teaching.

          2.  The performance evaluation system recommended by the Council must ensure that:

          (a) Data derived from the evaluations is used to create professional development programs that enhance the effectiveness of teachers, administrators, counselors, librarians and other licensed educational personnel; and

          (b) A timeline is included for monitoring the performance evaluation system at least annually for quality, reliability, validity, fairness, consistency and objectivity.

          3.  The Council may establish such working groups, task forces and similar entities from within or outside its membership as necessary to address specific issues or otherwise to assist in its work.

          4.  The State Board shall consider the recommendations made by the Council pursuant to this section and shall adopt regulations establishing a statewide performance evaluation system as required by NRS 391.465.

      (Added to NRS by 2011, 3086; A 2013, 3157)