NRS391.455. Creation of Council; membership; terms; election of Chair; meetings and quorum; allowance and travel expenses; administrative support by Department.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  There is hereby created the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada consisting of the following 15 members:

          (a) The Superintendent of Public Instruction, or his or her designee, who serves as an ex officio member of the Council.

          (b) The Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education, or his or her designee, who serves as an ex officio member of the Council.

          (c) Four teachers in public schools appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada State Education Association. The members appointed pursuant to this paragraph must represent the geographical diversity of the school districts in this State.

          (d) Two administrators in public schools appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Association of School Administrators and one superintendent of schools of a school district appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Association of School Superintendents. The members appointed pursuant to this paragraph must represent the geographical diversity of the school districts in this State.

          (e) Two persons who are members of boards of trustees of school districts and who are appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Association of School Boards.

          (f) One representative of the regional training programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators created by NRS 391.512 appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Association of School Superintendents.

          (g) One parent or legal guardian of a pupil enrolled in public school appointed by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by the Nevada Parent Teacher Association.

          (h) Two persons with expertise in the development of public policy relating to education appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The members appointed pursuant to this paragraph must not otherwise be eligible for appointment pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (g), inclusive.

          2.  After the initial terms, each appointed member of the Council serves a term of 3 years commencing on July 1 and may be reappointed to one additional 3-year term following his or her initial term. If any appointed member of the Council ceases to be qualified for the position to which he or she was appointed, the position shall be deemed vacant and the appointing authority shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the unexpired term. A vacancy must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

          3.  The Council shall, at its first meeting and annually thereafter, elect a Chair from among its members.

          4.  The Council shall meet at least semiannually and may meet at other times upon the call of the Chair or a majority of the members of the Council. Nine members of the Council constitute a quorum, and a quorum may exercise all the power and authority conferred on the Council.

          5.  Members of the Council serve without compensation, except that for each day or portion of a day during which a member of the Council attends a meeting of the Council or is otherwise engaged in the business of the Council, the member is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

          6.  A member of the Council who is a public employee must be granted administrative leave from the member’s duties to engage in the business of the Council without loss of his or her regular compensation. Such leave does not reduce the amount of the member’s other accrued leave.

          7.  The Department shall provide administrative support to the Council.

          8.  The Council may apply for and accept gifts, grants, donations and contributions from any source for the purpose of carrying out its duties pursuant to NRS 391.460.

      (Added to NRS by 2011, 3085)