NRS353.215. Work programs for fiscal year: Electronic storage; contents; review and approval; expenditures made on basis of allotments.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Budget Division of the Department of Administration shall maintain a computer network, computer system or other similar means of electronic storage for the work programs of the departments, institutions and agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government.

          2.  Work programs that are included in the system established pursuant to subsection 1 must:

          (a) Include all appropriations or other funds from any source whatever made available to the department, institution or agency for its operation and maintenance and for the acquisition of property.

          (b) Show the requested allotments of appropriations or other funds by month or other period as the Chief may require for the entire fiscal year.

          3.  Not later than July 1 of each year, the Governor, through the Chief, shall require the head of each department, institution and agency of the Executive Department of the State Government to:

          (a) Review for the ensuing fiscal year its work program that is included in the system established pursuant to subsection 1; and

          (b) Notify the Governor through the Chief of any errors or omissions in its work program.

          4.  The Governor, with the assistance of the Chief, shall review the requested allotments with respect to the work program of each department, institution or agency, and the Governor shall, if the Governor deems it necessary, revise, alter or change such allotments before approving the same. The aggregate of such allotments must not exceed the total appropriations or other funds from any source whatever made available to the department, institution or agency for the fiscal year in question.

          5.  The Chief shall transmit a copy of the allotments as approved by the Governor to the head of the department, institution or agency concerned, to the State Treasurer, to the State Controller and to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.

          6.  All expenditures to be made from the appropriations or other funds from any source whatever must be made on the basis of such allotments and not otherwise, and must be broken down into such classifications as the Chief may require.

      [12:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.12]—(NRS A 1963, 493, 1288; 1967, 167, 351; 1973, 1666; 1977, 348; 2007, 827)