NRS353.210. Submission of certain information concerning positions, service contracts, expenditure requirements and anticipated income; provision of information to Fiscal Analysis Division of Legislative Counsel Bureau; proposed budgets for certain agencies.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsections 6 and 7, on or before September 1 of each even-numbered year, all departments, institutions and other agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government, and all agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government receiving state money, fees or other money under the authority of the State, including those operating on money designated for specific purposes by the Nevada Constitution or otherwise, shall prepare, on blanks furnished them by the Chief, and submit to the Chief:

          (a) The number of full-time equivalent positions within the department, institution or agency.

          (b) The number of full-time equivalent positions within the department, institution or agency that have been vacant for at least 12 months, the number of months each such position has been vacant and the reasons for each such vacancy.

          (c) Any existing contracts for services the department, institution or agency has with temporary employment services or other persons, the proposed expenditures for such contracts in the next 2 fiscal years and the reasons for the use of such services. If such contracts include any privatization contracts, a copy of each of those privatization contracts together with:

                 (1) A statement specifying the duration of the privatization contracts;

                 (2) The number of privatization contracts proposed for the next 2 fiscal years and the estimated expenditures for the privatization contracts; and

                 (3) An analysis of each of the privatization contracts, which includes, without limitation:

                       (I) For the preceding, current and next fiscal years, the annual amount required to perform each of the privatization contracts; and

                       (II) For the preceding and current fiscal years, the number of persons the department, institution or agency employed pursuant to the privatization contracts, reflected as the equivalent full-time position if the persons were regularly employed by the department, institution or agency, including the equivalent hourly wage and the cost of benefits for each job classification.

          (d) Estimates of expenditure requirements of the department, institution or agency, together with all anticipated income from fees and all other sources, for the next 2 fiscal years compared with the corresponding figures of the last completed fiscal year and the estimated figures for the current fiscal year.

          2.  The Chief shall direct that one copy of the forms submitted pursuant to subsection 1, accompanied by every supporting schedule and any other related material, be delivered directly to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau on or before September 1 of each even-numbered year.

          3.  The Budget Division of the Department of Administration shall give advance notice to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau of any conference between the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and personnel of other state agencies regarding budget estimates. A Fiscal Analyst of the Legislative Counsel Bureau or his or her designated representative may attend any such conference.

          4.  The estimates of expenditure requirements submitted pursuant to subsection 1 must be classified to set forth the data of funds, organizational units, and the character and objects of expenditures by program or budgetary account and by category of expense, and must include a mission statement and measurement indicators in adequate detail to comply with the requirements of subparagraph (3) of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 353.205. The organizational units may be subclassified by functions and by agencies, bureaus or commissions, or in any other manner at the discretion of the Chief.

          5.  If any department, institution or other agency of the Executive Department of the State Government, whether its money is derived from state money or from other money collected under the authority of the State, fails or neglects to submit estimates of its expenditure requirements as provided in this section, the Chief may, from any data at hand in the Chief’s office or which the Chief may examine or obtain elsewhere, make and enter a proposed budget for the department, institution or agency in accordance with the data.

          6.  Agencies, bureaus, commissions and officers of the Legislative Department, the Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Judicial Department of the State Government shall submit to the Chief for his or her information in preparing the proposed executive budget the budgets which they propose to submit to the Legislature.

          7.  On or before September 1 of each even-numbered year, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency shall submit the budget which the Agency proposes to submit to the Legislature to:

          (a) The Chief for his or her information in preparing the proposed executive budget.

          (b) The Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.

          8.  The information provided by a department, institution or agency pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 1 is a public record and must be open to public inspection.

          9.  As used in this section, “privatization contract” means a contract executed by or on behalf of a department, institution or agency which authorizes a private entity to provide public services which are:

          (a) Substantially similar to the services performed by the public employees of the department, institution or agency; and

          (b) In lieu of the services otherwise authorized or required to be provided by the department, institution or agency.

      [11:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.11]—(NRS A 1957, 369; 1959, 210; 1961, 389; 1963, 492, 1287; 1967, 167; 1973, 859, 1858; 1977, 348; 1979, 924; 1981, 1522, 2046; 1983, 184, 766; 1991, 2444; 1993, 624, 776; 1995, 2813; 1997, 2705; 1999, 1819; 2001, 1137; 2003, 20th Special Session, 22; 2009, 2068; 2011, 667, 2725, 3103; 2013, 2314)