NRS293.193. Filing fees.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Fees as listed in this section for filing declarations of candidacy or acceptances of candidacy must be paid to the filing officer by cash, cashier’s check or certified check.


    United States Senator.......................................................................................... $500

    Representative in Congress................................................................................... 300

    Governor.................................................................................................................. 300

    Justice of the Supreme Court............................................................................... 300

    Any state office, other than Governor or justice of the Supreme Court...... 200

    District judge............................................................................................................ 150

    Justice of the peace................................................................................................ 100

    Any county office.................................................................................................. 100

    State Senator........................................................................................................... 100

    Assemblyman or Assemblywoman.................................................................... 100

    Any district office other than district judge.......................................................... 30

    Constable or other town or township office......................................................... 30


    For the purposes of this subsection, trustee of a county school district, hospital or hospital district is not a county office.

          2.  No filing fee may be required from a candidate for an office the holder of which receives no compensation.

          3.  The county clerk shall pay to the county treasurer all filing fees received from candidates. The county treasurer shall deposit the money to the credit of the general fund of the county.

          4.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 293.194, a filing fee paid pursuant to this section is not refundable.

      (Added to NRS by 1960, 245; A 1967, 845; 1981, 20; 1985, 650; 1987, 691; 1989, 56; 1991, 122, 1603; 1997, 755; 2003, 1704)