NRS285.060. Employee suggestions: Recordation; notification of delays; referral to relevant state agency; state agency’s findings and recommendations; review, evaluation and monitoring by Merit Award Board; annual report.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Upon receiving an employee suggestion pursuant to NRS 285.050, the Secretary of the Board shall:

          (a) Record and acknowledge receipt of the employee suggestion;

          (b) Notify the state employee or each state employee of a group of state employees who made the employee suggestion of any undue delays in the consideration of the employee suggestion; and

          (c) Refer the employee suggestion at once to the head of the state agency or agencies affected, or his or her designee, for consideration.

          2.  Within 30 days after receiving an employee suggestion that is referred pursuant to subsection 1, the head of the state agency, or his or her designee, shall report his or her findings and recommendations to the Board. The report must indicate:

          (a) Whether the employee suggestion has been adopted.

          (b) If adopted:

                 (1) The day on which the employee suggestion was placed in effect.

                 (2) The actual or estimated reduction, elimination or avoidance of expenditures or any improvement in operations made possible by the employee suggestion.

                 (3) If the employee suggestion was made by a group of state employees, a recommendation of the distribution of any potential award made pursuant to NRS 285.070 to each state employee in the group. Such a distribution must be proportionate, fair and equitable based on the contributions by each state employee to the employee suggestion.

          (c) If rejected, the reasons for rejection.

          (d) If applicable, whether legislation will be required before the employee suggestion may be adopted.

          3.  The Board shall:

          (a) Review the findings and recommendations of the state agency and may obtain additional information or take such other action as is necessary for prompt, thorough and impartial consideration of each employee suggestion.

          (b) Evaluate each employee suggestion, taking into consideration any action by the state agency, staff recommendations and the objectives of the Merit Award Program.

          (c) Monitor the efficacy and progress of employee suggestions that have been adopted and placed into effect.

          (d) Provide a report to the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and the Interim Finance Committee not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year summarizing, for that fiscal year:

                 (1) The employee suggestions that were rejected by state agencies.

                 (2) The employee suggestions that were adopted by state agencies and detailing any actual reduction, elimination or avoidance of expenditures or any improvement in operations made possible by the employee suggestion.

                 (3) Any legislation required to be enacted before an employee suggestion may be adopted.

      (Added to NRS by 1967, 1066; A 2011, 283)