NRS280.265. Taxing district: Proposal to voters of question to levy additional ad valorem tax to employ additional police officers.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The committee may, with the consent of the governing body of each participating political subdivision and the debt management commission in the participating county, propose to the registered voters of the taxing district, at a county general election, the question of whether an additional ad valorem tax shall be levied on all taxable property within the taxing district for the support of the department for the purpose of employing additional police officers.

          2.  The question submitted to the voters must include information regarding:

          (a) The initial ad valorem tax rate and the method for determining the ad valorem tax rate for each fiscal year; and

          (b) The rate of the proposed additional property tax stated in dollars and cents per $100 assessed valuation, the purpose of the proposed additional property tax, the duration of the proposed additional property tax and an estimate established by the committee of the increase in the amount of property taxes that an owner of a new home with a fair market value of $100,000 will pay per year as a result of the passage of the question.

          3.  For the purposes of NRS 350.011 to 350.0165, inclusive, a committee shall be deemed a municipality or a governing body of a municipality.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 433)