NRS244A.637. Issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  For the acquisition of any recreational facilities authorized in NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, for the purposes described in subsection 3, or for any combination thereof, the county fair and recreation board, at any time or from time to time may:

          (a) In the name of and on behalf of the county, issue:

                (1) General obligation bonds, payable from taxes; and

                 (2) General obligation bonds, payable from taxes, which payment is additionally secured by a pledge of gross or net revenues derived from the operation of such recreational facilities, and, if so determined by the board, further secured by a pledge of such other gross or net revenues as may be derived from any other income-producing project of the county or from any license or other excise taxes levied for revenue by the county, or otherwise, as may be legally made available for their payment;

          (b) In the name of and on behalf of the county fair and recreation board, issue revenue bonds:

                 (1) Payable from the net revenues to be derived from the operation of such recreational facilities;

                 (2) Secured by a pledge of revenues from any tax on the rental of transient lodging levied for revenue by the county or a city;

                 (3) Secured by any other revenue that may be legally made available for their payment; or

                 (4) Payable or secured by any combination of subparagraph (1), (2) or (3); and

          (c) Make a contract with the United States of America, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any other person or agency, public or private, creating an indebtedness if a question authorizing such contract is submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the county in the manner provided in NRS 350.020 to 350.070, inclusive. This paragraph does not apply to contracts for the prepayment of rent or other similar obligations.

          2.  Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this section must be authorized by resolution of the county fair and recreation board, and no further approval by any person, board or commission is required.

          3.  In a county whose population is 700,000 or more, the county fair and recreation board shall, at the request of the Department of Transportation, use its commercially reasonable best efforts to issue bonds as provided in subsections 1 and 2 for the purpose of providing money to the Department of Transportation to assist in paying the cost of any project in the county for which bonds are authorized to be issued pursuant to NRS 408.273.

          4.  Bonds may be issued for the purposes described in subsection 3 only if:

          (a) The county fair and recreation board determines that the provision of money for the purposes described in subsection 3 is essential to providing access to tourists to the recreational and tourism facilities of the county, including, without limitation, the recreational facilities of the county fair and recreation board;

          (b) The bonds are issued in compliance with any contractual limitations set forth in the instruments authorizing any outstanding bonds issued as provided in subsections 1 and 2; and

          (c) The aggregate principal amount of bonds issued for the purposes described in subsection 3, excluding any bonds issued to refund those bonds, does not exceed the lesser of:

                 (1) Three hundred million dollars; or

                 (2) An amount which the county fair and recreation board determines can be repaid, as to all principal and interest, over a period of not more than 30 years with the expenditure of not more than $20,000,000 per year.

          5.  All determinations of the county fair and recreation board under this section shall be deemed to be conclusive, absent fraud or a gross abuse of discretion.

          6.  The issuance and payment of bonds issued pursuant to subsection 3 is hereby declared to be a use which is in fulfillment of the statutory requirements of NRS 244A.645 and of any requirements of any ordinance pursuant to which a tax is levied for the benefit of the county fair and recreation board or transferred thereto, and no such ordinance may be repealed or amended in any manner which would affect adversely the receipt and use by the county fair and recreation board of the revenues pledged to any bonds issued pursuant to this section, during the term of the bonds issued pursuant to this section or any bonds that refund those bonds.

          7.  Any money provided to the Department of Transportation pursuant to subsection 3 must be deposited in the State Highway Fund for administration pursuant to subsection 7 of NRS 408.235 and expended for the purposes described in subsection 3 of this section.

      [12:383:1955]—(NRS A 1969, 1577; 1981, 952; 1999, 987; 2007, 1587; 2011, 1121)