NRS119A.560. Power of sale; notice of sale.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The power of sale may not be exercised until:

          (a) The developer or the association, its agent or attorney has first executed and caused to be recorded with the recorder of the county wherein the project is located a notice of default and election to sell the time share or cause its sale to satisfy the assessment lien; and

          (b) The owner or his or her successor in interest has failed to pay the amount of the lien, including costs, fees and expenses incident to its enforcement for 60 days computed as prescribed in subsection 2.

          2.  The 60-day period provided in subsection 1 begins on the first day following the day upon which the notice of default and election to sell is recorded and a copy of the notice is mailed by certified or registered mail with postage prepaid to the owner or to his or her successor in interest at the owner’s address if that address is known, otherwise to the address of the project. The notice must describe the deficiency in payment.

          3.  The developer or the association, its agent or attorney shall, after expiration of the 60-day period and before selling the time share, give notice of the time and place of the sale in the manner and for a time not less than that required for the sale of real property upon execution, except that:

          (a) A copy of the notice of sale must be mailed on or before the first publication or posting required by NRS 21.130 by certified or registered mail with postage prepaid to the owner or to his or her successor in interest at the owner’s address if that address is known, otherwise to the address of the project; and

          (b) In lieu of publishing a copy of the notice of sale in a newspaper pursuant to the provisions of NRS 21.130, the notice of sale may be given by posting a copy of the notice and a declaration pursuant to NRS 53.045 on a form prescribed by the Division pursuant to subsection 6 for 3 successive weeks on an Internet website and publishing three times, once a week for 3 successive weeks, in a newspaper, if there is one in the county, a statement in at least 10-point bold type, which includes, without limitation:

                 (1) A statement that the notice of sale for the foreclosure of the time share is posted on an Internet website;

                 (2) The Internet address where the notice is posted;

                 (3) The name of the record owner and the permanent identification number of each time share;

                 (4) The name and street address of the property in which the time share is located; and

                 (5) A statement of the date, time and place of the sale.

    Ê A statement published in a newspaper pursuant to this paragraph may include the information required for a notice of sale for one or more time shares.

          4.  The sale may be made at the office of the developer or the association if the notice so provided, whether the project is located within the same county as the office of the developer or the association or not.

          5.  Every sale made under the provisions of NRS 119A.550 vests in the purchaser the title of the owner without equity or right of redemption.

          6.  The Division shall prepare a form for a declaration pursuant to NRS 53.045 that a developer or association must post on an Internet website with a notice of sale pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3.

      (Added to NRS by 1983, 992; A 2001, 2511; 2011, 3534)